New Year, New Gear: The Latest Tech from iTouch Wearables - iTOUCH Wearables

New Year, New Gear: The Latest Tech from iTouch Wearables

iTouch Wearables debuted three new and improved adult smartwatches this year - the iTouch Air 3, the iTouch Sport 2, and the iTouch Sport Special Edition. What are the newest features?
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What's New at iTouch Wearables?

iTouch Wearables debuted three new and improved adult smartwatches this year - the iTouch Air 3, the iTouch Sport 2, and the iTouch Sport Special Edition.

iTouch Wearables Smartwatches are the ideal beginner smartwatch. Affordable, reliable, and fashionable, no other wearable tech brand can compete with the great value of iTouch Wearables.

What are the latest features?

❤️ Continuous Heart Rate Monitor

The heart rate monitor tells you how fast your heart is beating - essential to helping you exercise at the right intensity to meet your fitness goals. This important tool can help you plan out your 2021 workout, personalizing your routine according to your body and fitness level.

The iTouch Smartwatch heart rate monitor can indicate whether or not you are exercising at the right intensity to see benefits from your hard work. And with the included Elevated Heartrate Alert, rest assured that you are not pushing yourself too hard, reducing your risk of injury or burnout.

🛏️ Sleep Monitor

The sleep monitor records how many hours of restful sleep you're getting. The benefit of wearing a smartwatch with a sleep monitor is more accurate results, compared to bedside devices or phone apps.

According to the CDC, over 50 million of adult Americans suffer from sleep disorders. Do you struggle to fall asleep, or wake up still feeling tired? The iTouch Wearables sleep monitor feature can help determine the quality of your shut eye. Sleep is connected to your health - studies have shown that a healthy sleeping pattern can reduce your chances of Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and other major health problems.

🏀 Multi-Sports and Workout Modes

iTouch Wearables has all the tools you need attain your fitness goals. 

Multi-Sports Mode records the quality of your sports-related exercise, including for basketball, baseball, football, and soccer.

Workout Mode records data from typical gym-based or outdoor workouts, including running, elliptical training, cycling, and hiking.

🌬️ Breathing Exercises

Inhale... Hold... Exhale. 

Breathing properly releases muscle tension, relieves emotional distress, detoxes your body, purifies your blood, improves your lung capacity and heart function, and straightens your posture. 

Use the iTouch Wearables guided breathing exercise tool to treat yourself to these benefits and a well-deserved moment of tranquility. 

🌊 Hydration Reminder

60% of the adult body is made up of water. Naturally, this means that staying hydrated is important. Staying hydrated has an endless list of benefits, including relieving joint pain, removing waste, helping your body absorb nutrients, boosting your brain power, and promoting clearer skin and weight loss. 

Drinking consistently throughout a busy day of work, school, or errands is a difficult feat to accomplish. The iTouch Wearables hydration reminder provides a friendly reminder to take care yourself, and to treat yourself to a nice glass of refreshing water.

🌡️ Body Temperature

When your immune system detects a virus in your body, it signals your brain to turn up your body temperature, which causes a fever. Lower body temperatures can be caused by certain disorders such as diabetes or thyroid disease.

The iTouch Wearables body temperature tracker will familiarize you with what your normal temperature is, and works as an early warning sign for when you're getting sick. 

Visit now to check out these smartwatches and more. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @itouchwearables and Facebook @itouchwearables for the latest deals and newest iTouch Wearables styles!